Mari: Wow. Well, I don’t think it was quite finished, but I remember the first time we got sent a draft where I believe they were still finishing up rain stuff and lighting still hadn’t been implemented, but it was much more fleshed out than anything that we’ve seen yet. And I think, I feel like we were shaking and…
Keone: I think there’s footage of us reacting.
Zach: I’m pretty sure there is footage of it. I’m pretty sure they’re going to put it out there.
Mari: Just crying, not just at the end but like crying the whole time. I remember even getting sent like the previous stuff, which was very rough, like cuts of people kind of going through this world. And even just seeing that Steamboat Mickey in the beginning, it was just, it always hits us like, wow, I can’t believe that we’re getting to work on something like this. This is incredible. And it still hits us every time I get to talk about it, every time I watch it again. I remember that it’s real, that it wasn’t just a dream that happened. But it’s very it makes me very proud and very honored to be part of that part of it.
Keone: [The crying is] more often times than not, for sure.
Zach: Yeah. I don’t know why I’m crying every time I’m crying, but I’m like, I should know what’s coming, but yes, I do, every time.
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