It is probably safe for us to assume you utilize the internet for your business in some way, shape, or form. Whether you sell designer sunglasses exclusively online, in some sort of brick-and-mortar outlet, or a combination of both, you probably have your own website at bare minimum. Maybe you are also on social media. Here is the big question: are you appealing to mobile shoppers?

If you are not making a concerted effort to do so, it’s time to rethink your online strategies. Mobile shopping is alive and well. It is expected to eclipse $700 billion in total sales by next year. In addition, Google has gone on the record as saying it gives preference to mobile-friendly websites. The search engine giant even launched a mobile-first search platform a few years ago and is now its default search platform.

Fast and Responsive

Given how prevalent mobile shopping is these days, the first step in selling more sunglasses to mobile shoppers is to make your site mobile friendly. That means making it fast and responsive. Think about our site. In your search for wholesale sunglasses for men, women, and children, you have probably found that our site performs equally well on both computers and mobile devices.

A fast-loading website is one that customers will be happy to visit. On the other hand, visitors will leave a site that takes too long to load. If the pages on your site – particularly the homepage – take more than 2-3 seconds to load, you’re probably losing traffic to faster sites.

As far as responsiveness goes, your site should work flawlessly and look aesthetically pleasing on all devices – regardless of screen size. A responsive site offers an equally enjoyable experience on both mobile devices and computers.

Think in Terms of Questions

Page speed and responsiveness are two of the technical aspects of appealing to mobile shoppers. But if you want to sell more of the wholesale sunglasses you purchase from us, your site also needs to do well on all the major search engines. Here’s where things get a little different with mobile devices.

When you search for something with your mobile phone, are you more likely to ask a question instead of typing in keywords using a virtual keyboard? In the SEO industry, the practice is known formally as voice search. It is big.

More than half of all adults report using their phone’s voice search function on a daily basis. Furthermore, shopping initiated by voice searches is expected to top $40 billion this year. How do you take advantage of voice search? By thinking in terms of questions.

When you are trying to identify keywords for new products, blog posts, and even PPC ads, think about the questions customers might ask when searching for sunglasses. Use those questions as a guidepost to come up with your keywords.

Think Long Tail, Too

Hand-in-hand with thinking in terms of questions is thinking about long-tail keywords. Rather than single words, long-tail words are phrases or even complete sentences. A classic example is ‘sunglasses near me’. The entire phrase is a long-tail keyword.

Long-tail keywords work better with mobile searches because they give search engines more actual words to work with. More words make it easier to return the most relevant result when a consumer asks a question.

As a wholesaler of high-quality designer sunglasses, we can tell you that optimizing your site for mobile shoppers is a good idea. We sell exclusively online, so we need to go out of our way to make sure we reach our audience wherever they might be. That is likely on their phones.

The post How to Sell More Sunglasses to Mobile Shoppers appeared first on Wholesale Sunglasses Blog.


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