Summertime is travel time in North America. And now that spring is in full swing, families across the country are starting to make plans for summer travel. Some will be sticking close to home while others put in hundreds, or even thousands, of miles. Here is the one thing they all have in common: they are going to need their sunglasses.

As a wholesale supplier of men’s and women’s sunglasses in bulk, we are ready to help you stock your shelves in anticipation of the summer travel season. You know your customers best. You know what styles and shapes they want. You tell us what you need, and we will provide it at fantastic wholesale prices.

Check Out the Latest Trends 

Before you place your next order for wholesale sunglasses, spend some time researching the latest trends. Check out the latest style magazines and websites. Take a look at what the designers are promoting for the upcoming season. Once you know the trends, you will know what your customers are likely to want heading into the summer.

Of course, basic wayfarers and aviators are always in style. You are going to want a good selection of men’s and women’s sunglasses with polarized lenses. But as for styles, shapes, and colors, the only way to know for sure what is going to be hot this summer is to do your research.

Carefully Consider Your Pricing

A big advantage of working with us as your primary wholesale supplier of designer sunglasses is price. We sell for less so that you can, too. But that Being said, you have customers with different budgetary needs. Some are willing to spend a bit more while others want to keep things as affordable as possible. We say all of that to say this: consider your summer pricing carefully.

Summer is a high-demand season for designer sunglasses. You have more opportunity to expand your margin this time of year. But don’t forget your biggest advantage as a sunglasses retailer: the ability to give your customers outstanding quality for less. Price your sunglasses accordingly.

Run That Summer Sale

Send your summer sales into overdrive with a carefully planned and orchestrated summer sale. Again, you know your customers best. Perhaps the best way to go is a BOGO. Or maybe you have built up quite a sizable loyalty program. Summer would be a great time to reward your loyal customers with significant savings at the register.

One way or another, customers love a sale. We recommend running your summer sale just before school ends for the year. That is when families really start ramping up summer travel plans. That’s when mom and dad are looking to get out of the office and start traveling by car, plane, and even boat.

Make Sure You’re Fully Stocked

While you are thinking of all the other things pertaining to summer sales, don’t forget one of the fundamentals of retail: keeping enough stock on hand. We know. It’s a balancing act. You don’t want so much stock that you’re left with excess at the end of the summer season. You also don’t want too little. Nothing is worse than running a summer sale and not having enough stock to support at.

OE Sunglasses has all the men’s and women sunglasses you’ll need for summer. Take a look at our inventory and then place your order. We have something for everyone – every style, every color, and every price point.

Here’s hoping your summer season is fantastic. You have the designer sunglasses your customers want. Now get those products into their hands.

The post It’s Time to Prepare Those Summer Travelers With New Sunglasses appeared first on Wholesale Sunglasses Blog.


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