Angel Olsen has announced Cosmic Waves Volume 1, an album compiling both original songs by other artists and Olsen’s covers of those artists. Olsen curated the compilation, commissioning new tracks from Poppy Jean Crawford, Coffin Prick, Sarah Grace White, Maxim Ludwig, and Camp Saint Helene. Below, listen to the first offerings: Poppy Jean Crawford’s “Glamorous” and Olsen’s cover of Crawford’s song “The Takeover.”
Olsen says of Crawford in a press release, “I remember speaking with my good friend Angela Ricciardi about Poppy starring in the film The Giver Gives to Give, and was immediately transfixed by her overall vibe and ’30s era beauty. But it wasn’t until later when Angela shared one of Poppy’s early demo grunge songs with me that I was blown away. Poppy gives me hope that guitar music will come back. She has such a powerful voice made for pop while also having this edge to her that, for me, communicates the kind of rage I can always relate to.”
Olsen added, of the compilation, “As someone that emerged into the music scene through a small tape label, I’ve wanted to continue the spirit of discovery and of my debut release, Strange Cacti, while supporting and collaborating with artists and friends whose music I have been moved by. I feel there is something unique and special about covering another artist’s song. We all make it our own, or we try to, but I personally always learn something new about the process when I’m engaging someone else’s words and melodies in such a close way.”

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